Sunday, February 13, 2011


I have decided to not publish more of the first chapter at the democratic school - Sego Lily. To give people more of a taste of all the places I have gone so that they can see what it is I'm doing and lend their support to my process so that I can continue research to finish the book, I have decided to post Chapter 2: Section 1 tomorrow on the Maharishi School for the Age of Enlightenment. Keep Watch! What do you all feel about this change?


  1. Jeannie, this is great! I love that you are posting this now, I was really curious about all of your findings!!! From one education fanatic to another your writing is really bringing up my feelings and thoughts about the whole issue. I'm excited to read more. Thanks!

  2. I am following your posts and would love for you to return and finish your observations of the Democratic school. I am, of course, very curious of the other schools and philosophies as well and look forward to reading about them.

  3. Also, any possibility you can put a link to Follow via FB? I have TON of mom friends linked on FB that may be interested.

  4. Angela~~~ SO many deep thanks to you for your support!!! I do post a link on my page every so often, but maybe there is a savvier way to do it? As for posting the whole chapter, yes I can do that. The only thing is, there is Chapter 1 1/2 entitled "The Mother Ship" about my visit to THE Sudbury school in Massachusetts (when I saw you) that is not finished. This chapter answers many questions that are left unanswered by the Sego Lily Visit - such as what actually becomes of a democratic school graduate. Perhaps for now, I will send along the end of the demo chapter to you and then post all when I'm finished.
